The company INTER TOOLS IMPULS D.O.O was founded in 2006. Since 2011, the company has taken over the operations and staff of IMPULS METAL TRADE D.O.O which was founded in 1996. Since its founding, INTER TOOLS IMPULS D.O.O has been operating positively.

The main activity of the company is the wholesale trade of tools and machine tools (activity code 4662).
For 22 years we have acquired representative customers in almost all significant segments of the economy. With some of these customers / partners we successfully cooperate for 15-20 years:
Management and Finance: Belgrade City Assembly, National Bank of Serbia - Bureau for making banknotes and coins;
Utilities: Belgrade Waterworks and Sewerage, Belgrade Power Plants;
Mining: RTB BOR Group;
Energy: Thermal Power Plant Kolubara, Ugljevik Thermal Power Plant, Hydroelectric Power Plant Đerdap;
Agriculture: Al Rawafed Serbia;
Communications: Telekom Srbija;
Transport: Serbia Kargo;
Construction: Energoprojekt Visokogradnja;
Industry: Weapons “Zastava”, Teklas, Norma Group, Knauf Insulation (Vunizol), Bioprotein;
Our focus is not only on large customers. We successfully cooperate with numerous small manufacturers, service providers and independent craftsmen in various fields.

Since 2011, the company is at the address Surčinska 11F (Orsona Welsa 3), 11070 Novi Beograd. INTER TOOLS IMPULS D.O.O has been certified by the BEREAU VERITAS GROUP, and according to the standards:
ISO 9001:2008,
ISO 14001:2007,
ISO 9001:2015,
ISO 14001:2015,
OHSAS 18001:2007